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Robin's Nest Monthly Nudge Newsletter

Hello and welcome to the second edition of our Robin's Nest Monthly Nudge Newsletter. I realized not everyone is a subscriber to the website, so I thought I'd use my blog page as another way of getting our monthly newsletter out.

I would love to hear from you after you read this month's newsletter. You can connect with me via email: or we can connect via the blog page by leaving a 'comment' to the blog.

Alright, here's the infamous Robin's Nest Monthly Nudge Newsletter without the extra graphics (subscribe and/or contact us to receive the newsletter in all its glory) :)



Monthly Nudge

It's October and Fall should be well underway, but if you're in Southern California you know our weather seems to have a mind of its own. Speaking of having a mind of its own, what have you been dwelling, pondering, or fixating on this month? Is it moving you to action? Time for a little nudge? Yes, time for a nudge. Me too!

This Month...

An incredible group of women and I have been meeting weekly to discuss and encourage one another in being more intentional and mindful of the many blessings we encounter on a daily basis. We are engaging this conversation based on a journal book by Marshawn Evans Daniels, Daily Blessings -A Mindfulness Journal on the Goodness of God. This practice has caused me to be cognizant of the ways in which God is mindful of me as I'm being mindful of Him, and it's becoming a most beautiful dance. Mind if I nudge you?

Spend the next week chronicling the moments in your day when you experience or feel God smiling on you. It might be as simple as running into an old friend, or having a stranger pay your tab at the Dollar Tree. (This may or may not have happened to me recently) After you've done this, I'd love to hear from you! Learn More

Coming Next Month!

Robin's Nest is releasing a new workshop on November 10, 2023 - 'Soul Reveal'

It is a Dancing to Freedom Workshop Intensive, and it's on a whole other level. I imagine you're familiar with the gender reveal parties expectant parents have as a way of letting people know the gender of their baby, right? Well, this upcoming workshop will provide you with the opportunity to explore, uncover, reflect, and release your soul issues. It's time for soul freedom! You'll want to be in the room for this incredible experience.

Secret News I'd like to let you in on a little secret... I am writing a chapter as part of a collaborative book project scheduled to release in September 2024! I can't give details yet, but stay tuned. And in the meantime, I'd appreciate and covet your prayers for this project to be all God intends for it to be.

THANK YOU for reading this post. I'm grateful for YOU!!



hey there!


I’m a small-town Southern California entrepreneur, coach, educator, and author with big dreams. Helping  you find & embrace what makes your soul soar.

hey there!


Robin has found dance to be her expressive/ creative art of choice when it comes to ‘speaking’ what is too difficult to put in words. She often quotes Martha Graham, “Dance is the hidden language of the soul.”




hey there!
Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Robin Gulley!

Robin Gulley is the founder and owner of Robin’s Nest. She has a Master’s Degree in Educational and Clinical Counseling.

Robin has found dance to be her expressive/creative art of choice when it comes to ‘speaking’ what is too difficult to put in words. She often quotes Martha Graham, “Dance is the hidden language of the soul.”



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Forget the junk mail, I'm bringing "real" right to your inbox. Deep encouragement, tough questions, needle-moving challenges, and smart strategies to help you make your dream work. You in?

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