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Impossible Made Possible

Hello and welcome to the December edition of our Robin's Nest Monthly Nudge Newsletter. Once again, I realize not everyone is a subscriber (go subscribe now) to the website, so I'm using my blog page as another way of sharing the newsletter.

I'd love to hear from you after you read this month's newsletter. You can connect with me through the contact us page on Robin's Nest website.

Without further adieu, here's the December Monthly Nudge Newsletter (short of the glitz and glam)…

Robin's Nest Monthly Nudge Newsletter

December Edition 2023

Christmas turns our hearts and thoughts toward home. For some, it's with great anticipation of joy, laughter, and love. For others it's with great sadness and longing.


I've spent the past week doing a little longing. Thinking of my desire for better family relations. Challenged with comparing my family to other families I know (this is definitely the thief of joy), and questioning past decisions.


Then my heart and thoughts were drawn to what's true. What's true is that Christmas is not my feelings. Christmas is a time for reflecting on the impossible becoming possible.


The book of Isaiah (7:14) tells us that the virgin would give birth to a son and call him Immanuel - God with us. Then in Luke (1:26-38) the angel Gabriel is sent to a young virgin to announce to her that she would give birth to a son and give him the name Jesus - God saves.


Christmas happens because Jesus happened.

The impossible became possible.


For nothing is impossible with God.

Luke 1:37


May I nudge you?

Read Luke (ch.1-2) and allow yourself to marvel at the miraculous made manifest for you, for us. Then consider your impossible and affirm that "...nothing is impossible with God."

What's Happening

Robin's Nest has been forced into rest this season and it has proven to be a sweet gift from God. This has caused me to be more intentional and purposeful with my time. I've had time to reflect and ponder the miraculous on a deeper level … because Jesus came.


The best gift we will ever receive. The most timely, perfect, and selfless gift … the gift that saves and is our peace!

Jesus is the Gift!

Movement Prompt

Time to express your joy!


Here's your movement prompt for this month …


You just received the gift you've always wanted.


Remember, this prompt is prompting you to respond with your body.

Get up and dance your response.

Consider what emotion you'd feel and how it might be reflected through your movements?


I'd love to hear from you after you've completed this movement prompt.

A Word of Blessing

I ran across the following prayer earlier today and would like to pray this over you …


"I pray that the peace of Christ will cover you, and that the abundance of

His Joy will fill you."


May you experience the love of Christ in every circumstance this

Christmas season.


Blessed Merry Christmas to you and yours!


Love, Robin


hey there!


I’m a small-town Southern California entrepreneur, coach, educator, and author with big dreams. Helping  you find & embrace what makes your soul soar.

hey there!


Robin has found dance to be her expressive/ creative art of choice when it comes to ‘speaking’ what is too difficult to put in words. She often quotes Martha Graham, “Dance is the hidden language of the soul.”




hey there!
Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Robin Gulley!

Robin Gulley is the founder and owner of Robin’s Nest. She has a Master’s Degree in Educational and Clinical Counseling.

Robin has found dance to be her expressive/creative art of choice when it comes to ‘speaking’ what is too difficult to put in words. She often quotes Martha Graham, “Dance is the hidden language of the soul.”



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