Adventure Awaits!
Hello and welcome to the January edition of our Robin's Nest Monthly Nudge Newsletter. I realize not everyone is a subscriber (go subscribe now) to the website, so once again I'm using my blog page as another way to share the newsletter.
I'd love to hear from you after you read this month's newsletter. You can connect with me through the contact us page on Robin's Nest website.
Without further adieu, here's the January Monthly Nudge Newsletter …
Robin's Nest Monthly Nudge Newsletter
Late January Edition 2024
The month of January 2024 is rapidly coming to a close (actually, it's over tomorrow-yikes!), and I have yet to realize what this new year may hold (not that we ever really know what to expect). There is an unfolding, a peeling back occurring, and I feel as if I'm being prepared for a year of adventure. In fact, I recently told my husband that this year is going to be an interesting year; a year of adventure and romance.
Does this seem to be a bold statement? I believe this is an accurate statement!
Every single day we get to choose and act.
I'm choosing to show up for the adventure …and the romance.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition for adventure:
noun - 1a: an undertaking usually involving danger and unknown risks
1b: the encountering of risks
2: an exciting or remarkable experience
3: an enterprise involving financial risk
Seems a little daunting doesn't it? But we can do this!
Ready for your adventure?
May I nudge you?
Decide to be brave and courageous. Talk yourself into it. Remind yourself of the times you've been brave and risked what was worth risking for the benefit of yourself and others, and to the glory of God.
Allow yourself to embrace the adventurous life.
Live full out!
Bring God glory!!
Joshua 1:6a Be strong and courageous...(NIV)
What's Happening …
I recently attended Align Breakthrough, a business coaching/leadership conference in San Antonio, Texas. This conference was hosted by Brooke Hemingway of The Good Life Podcast and featured several business owners and entrepreneurs. It was high energy, rich content, and inspiring. I summed this experience up with one word: ACTIVATING.
I'm a implementer, so I've activated and have an announcement for you … (little drum roll)
Robin's Nest Presents:
Dancing to Freedom - Soul Reveal Workshop
Saturday, February 17, 2024
10:00AM - 2:00PM
Registration goes live Saturday, February 3, 2024
*Workshop is in Southern California-Inland Empire area
Movement Prompt
It's time for you to get up and move your body.
Here's your movement prompt to close out the month of January...
The adventure that would make my soul soar
(remember, you're answering this prompt with dance/movement)
I'd love to hear from you after you've completed this prompt.
Feel free to email me at: OR simply contact us on the website.
A Word of Blessing
May the Lord give you grace and strength to live an adventurous life;
for your good and His glory.
Joshua 1:6a Be strong and courageous … (NIV)
Blessings and love,